Public consultation, projects and publications
Consultation paper submissions
The Department intends to publish all submissions to the consultation papers, unless a request is made for a submission to be kept confidential or a submission contains other information that is not suitable for publishing.
Current consultations
KAVHA Heritage Management Plan
Kingston Arthurs Vale Historic Area (KAVHA) is a World, National and locally listed heritage site, a heritage management plan is required for Kingston to ensure that its heritage significance can be conserved, promoted and celebrated. The 2016 KAVHA Heritage Management Plan has been reviewed and updated, as required under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth). Since the 2016 plan was prepared, a number of its recommendations have been implemented, and works have been undertaken at the Kingston site. The reviewed and updated heritage management plan provides an up-to-date guide for the effective conservation and management of Kingston, supports the delivery of a future vision for the site, and guides positive change that ensures Kingston remains a meaningful and memorable place to Norfolk Islanders, visitors, and the Australian and international community.
The draft KAVHA Heritage Management Plan is now available for public comment till COB 19 January 2025.
The Arched Building at Longridge Heritage Management Plan
The Arched Building ruin at Longridge, on Norfolk Island, is sometimes referred to as Longridge Arches, the Arches, the Arched Building, Longridge Barracks, or the Stables. The Arched Building dates from the 1840s and is directly associated with the penal settlement on Norfolk Island (1825–1855) when the island became a prison for reoffending convicts. At that time, Longridge was a major agricultural station on the island and the building—constructed toward the end of the penal settlement—was an important part of the station's extensive agricultural infrastructure and former convict estate. It is the largest and most aesthetically impressive of the former station buildings still in existence.
As a Commonwealth Heritage listed site a heritage management plan is required for the Arched Building at Longridge, Norfolk Island as required under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth). The Department has prepared a draft Heritage Management Plan, now available for public comment till COB 19 January 2025. This heritage management plan for the Arched Building at Longridge has been prepared to identify in detail the heritage values of the place and the conservation policies to be followed.
Public notice
Heritage Management Plans
Site Master Plan
Development Control Plan
- Kingston and Arthur's Vale Historic Area Development Control Plan (2020) PDF: 7.5 MB
- Development Application Checklist PDF: 608 KB
- Development Control Plan (with guidance) PDF: 7.3 MB
KAVHA Safety Reports
The three reports linked below assess risks associated with KAVHA and propose solutions to high priority issues. The KAVHA Safety Hazard Scoping Study is a comprehensive assessment of the risks to visitors and users of KAVHA as well as to the heritage structures. The KAVHA Safety Hazard Investigations report follows on from the scoping study, proposing engineering responses to mitigate several of the highest risks to people and structures. These design concepts were then independently reviewed, as documented in the third report. The department is working to resolve the safety risks and to implement solutions which are based on the advice in the AECOM report and the other expert technical advice.
- KAVHA Safety Hazard Scoping Study (2018) PDF: 13333 KB
- KAVHA Safety Hazard Investigations—50% Concept Design Report (2018) PDF: 15562 KB
- Review of KAVHA Safety Hazard Investigation (2018) PDF: 1504 KB
Other publications
- Research Projects and Kingston PDF: 648 KB
- Kingston and Arthur's Vale Historic Area Interpretation Plan (2020) PDF: 55 MB
- HMS Sirius Site Inspection Report (2020) PDF: 18.7 MB
- Archaeological Zoning and Management Plan Volume 1 (2019) PDF: 11.3 MB
- Archaeological Zoning and Management Plan Volume 2 (2019) PDF: 131 MB
- KAVHA Heritage Maintenance Manual (2019) PDF: 5354 KB
- KAVHA Cultural Landscape Management Plan, September 2019 PDF: 14.3 MB
- Development of A Masterplan for Kingston and Arthur's Vale Historic Area (KAVHA): Concepts from Public Consultation (2018) PDF: 15115 KB
- Government House Landscape & Garden Maintenance Advice (2017) PDF: 4576 KB
- KAVHA Condition and Conservation Report (2017) PDF: 11561 KB
- KAVHA Economic Feasibility Study—Final Report (2017) PDF: 1737 KB